Zhou Shen 周深 - 《大魚》

周深 Zhou Shen -《大魚》MV (電影大魚海棠印象曲)
Theme Song - Big Fish & Begonia

Zhou Shen (Chinese: 周深; pinyin: Zhōu Shēn; born 29 September 1992), also known as Charlie Zhou, is a Chinese singer. He is best known for his songs "Big Fish", which won 8 awards. In November 2017, Zhou released his debut album 深的深, a co-creation with producer Gao Xiaosong, songwriter Yin Yue, and composer Qian Lei. He has performed for many TV series and Chinese animation films such as Big Fish & Begonia, Dahufa, and Crystal Sky of Yesterday, among others. 

In March 2018, Zhou sang the Chinese promotional song for the 2018 Oscar Best Picture The Shape of Water. 

In 2020, Zhou Shen won first place for his performance of the song "Da La Beng Ba" in the show Singer 2020, imitating multiple voices, including that of a little girl and a man. By April 2020, this performance clip's view count on Bilibili had exceeded 10 million, surpassing that of the original song; after the song (Zhou's version) was released on Netease Cloud Music, it dominated the chart for several days, and the single has been played over 100 million times, and has been on top of Chinese search engines.

Zhou's first series of concerts, 深空间, were held in May and June 2018, as well as January, June and July 2019.[7] His second series concert tour, Planet C-929, started in November 2019, with stops at Beijing, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Chengdu, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. In July 2020, Zhou Shen gave a TME live "Good Night, See You Tomorrow" Online Concert on multiple platforms, among which QQ Music was watched online by more than 7.2 million viewers.

Zhou has won an award every year since 2016. He won the MTV Europe Music Award for Best Greater China Act in November 2019. In August 2020, he ranked 42nd in the Forbes China Celebrity List of 2020. Wikipedia



2019年成為全球華語榜中榜內地最受歡迎男歌手、MTV歐洲音樂大獎大中華區最受歡迎藝人(Best Greater China Act)。2020年在《歌手·当打之年》节目中演唱的《达拉崩吧》被乐评界誉为“打破次元壁”的传播,并被由你音乐榜称为“一曲封神”。

2020年7月,举行《周深“晚安 明天见”TME live 超现场》线上演唱会,多平台现场直播观看人数突破1500万,登上《2020腾讯娱乐白皮书》十大线上演唱会热度榜。8月,周深登上2020年福布斯中國名人榜榜單,位列第42名。

2021年1月,周深获腾讯音乐娱乐盛典年度最佳内地男歌手奖项。2021年春节,在全球疫情严重的情况下,许多人响应号召,就地过年,周深演唱春节公益曲《我在这 挺好的》,给过年无法回家的人们送去温暖,这首歌在CCTV-1晚间新闻首播,被光明网、国际在线、中国军网、人民日报、央视新闻、新华日报等四百多家媒体转发。2021年2月11日,周深首次参加央视春晚,与张也合唱《灯火里的中国》。Wikipedia


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